3 Ways Rabbits Get Transformed For Anthro Comics

When you choose to read anthropomorphic animal comics, you will come across a wide range of critters and creatures across the animal kingdom. The animals get transformed in a wide range of ways and have some unique features that get blended with human qualities. If you read anthro comics that feature rabbits, then you can see ways that authors and illustrators create completely unique characters. Check out some of the ways anthro comics will transform rabbits and use the animal characteristics to create well-rounded stories and personalities. Read More 

What Are The Different Contemporary Art Styles?

What are the different contemporary art styles? This is a difficult question to answer succinctly, as there are countless movements and genres within the contemporary art world. However, by exploring some of today's most prevalent styles, you can better understand this ever-evolving artistic landscape. So, what are some of the most popular contemporary art styles? Read on to find out. Abstract Art Abstract art is a type of art that uses visual language to create a work that exists independent of any references to the physical world. Read More 

Why Store Artwork In A Climate Controlled Storage Unit?

Purchasing artwork can be costly, and you need to ensure that it remains intact. If you want to store your art for some time, you need to wrap your piece well and get climate-controlled storage. The storage is set to specific humidity levels, temperature, and light, ensuring maximum protection of your artwork against damage by natural elements. Here are the reasons why you should put your artwork in climate-controlled storage units. Read More 

Three Examples Of Fun Comic Strip Characters

Comic strips are a great way to start the morning. You can grab a cup of coffee, or another morning beverage of your choosing, and start the day off with some lighthearted laughs. There are some characters that make for fun comic strips because they are either so relatable to most people, they are naturally amusing, or the interactions between them can already be so entertaining. You can learn about three great characters for comic strips here, as well as some of the reasons why they can make for such fun comics:  Read More 

How Art Is Scientifically Authenticated

Art Authentication in the Past Up until thirty or forty years ago, the methods for detecting a forged artwork relied on the expertise of art historians. People could study the brush strokes used in a painting and compare them to the known works of a famous artist. Professionals also studied the small details of a painting, like eyes and fingers, and compared them with the techniques used in other paintings. Experts could also examine the craquelure, the fine cracks that oil paintings develop over many years, so they could see if the painting was too new to be a true work from an old master. Read More